The purpose of the Concept Map and of Sub Maps is to allow you to create iconic representations of key ideas or terms and manipulate these, by positioning and linking them, in ways that correspond to relationships between concepts. There is only one Concept Map per notebook but it can have any number of Sub Maps or sub-Sub Maps. Any number of note cards can be created for a Map or Sub Map. The Concept Map is the window you see in the lower right hand corner when Learning Tool is opened. The Concept Map is automatically opened when Learning Tool or a particular notebook is opened. If you close the Concept Map it can be reopened from the Notebook menu or by using a Command M. Sub Maps are created automatically by entering a note card or cards into another card's Sub Map, or created and opened manually by Option double-clicking a note card icon or by selecting the note card and selecting Sub Map from the Notebook menu or pressing Command S. As Macintosh windows, the Concept Map and Sub Map windows can be scrolled, resized, zoomed and repositioned in normal fashion.